General Skincare Tips During Pregnancy
During pregnancy, all you need to do is extra effort and extra care. When it comes to pregnancy skincare, everyone desires a natural glow, so eat organic food and perform pregnancy yoga every day. Further, this will help you to stay fit and bring the natural glow to your skin.
Know This!
Stop taking acne spot treatments as well as stop using night creams. The ingredients which are used in these can cause many congenital disabilities as well as they are proven unsafe during pregnancy. Well, it becomes challenging to say what product is appropriate and what not. Instead of using any acne spot creams, using pregnancy acne face wash can be very beneficial as it causes no harm for you and your baby.
While choosing, many dermatologists suggest staying on the safe side and avoiding those products which are proven harmful during pregnancy. You can take suggestions from your dermatologists so that you can take care of your skin better.
What to Do When It Comes to Make-up?
During pregnancy, not all the products are safe. There are many face washes, make-up, lotion which are proven unsafe during pregnancy as they can cause many defects to your skin or maybe your or your baby so, taking extra care is very important.
Here is the list of some ingredients which are typically used in many make-up products, face washes, body washes, as well as lotions, so have a look at them and choose the products which are suggested by your dermatologist. If not dermatologist, then you can also go through the list of ingredients that you have to take special care of.
Here’s The List:
Azelaic Acid
Azelaic acid is found to be very safe to use as they have many beneficial effects like a decrease in redness and pigmentation. It is proven safe to use during pregnancy as they cause no harm to the baby as well as the mom. This is the ingredient that is usually found in the rosacea treatments.
Aluminum Chloride
Aluminum chloride is found in maximum ingredients as it helps to stop the sweat. It is highly suggested to avoid the products which contain aluminum chloride in it as it has cancer-causing properties. It is hard to say, but there are chances to pass in the breast milk, which can cause further harm to the baby.
Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) and Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs)
These are the prevalent ingredients in cosmetics as they are one of the best skin brightening and exfoliating ingredients. Avoid using the products which contain AHAs and BHAs as they have the potential to pass in the skin, which can cause further damage to your skin and baby. Mainly, avoid using the lotions which contain these ingredients as they are found primarily in lotions than other products.
Benzoyl Peroxide
Avoid the products which contain benzoyl peroxide in it. It has the potential to cause risk and harm to the fetus. These are some of the best ingredients to fight against the pimple but avoid these products as much as possible.
Zinc Oxide
You can choose the products which contain zinc oxide as they stay on the surface of the skin rather than penetrating it. There are many mineral-based lotions, sunscreens as well as make-up products, which can be the best option to choose during pregnancy. Using these products will be safe for you and your baby, so if you prefer using these products, then it could be a good option.
Many pregnancy safe makeup products contain these ingredients. The ingredients like Vitamin C, lactic acid, titanium dioxide, Niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, grapeseed oil, are found safe to use, and DHA, formaldehyde, hydroquinone, oxybenzone, parabens, phthalates, retinoid, thioglycolic acid are not considered safe during pregnancy.